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If you make the pallet wood porch signs, we’ve got an idea that might help you streamline the process. We’re showing you how to make your own reusable jumbo wooden letter stamps! We are making the stamps for the word WELCOME, but you can make them for any word. I’ve seen signs that say Hello and Happy Fall Y’all, etc. Just make sure you get the appropriate letter size to fit the word on the size sign that you plan to make.
Supplies needed for this wooden letter stamps DIY
- Jumbo wooden letters – mine came from Walmart for $1.97 each
- Foam sheets – one for each letter
- X-acto knife
- Hot glue gun (<< the one I use) and glue sticks
First Step
First thing to do is use hot glue to attach your foam sheet to your wooden letter. If you are making smaller stamps, you might be able to get more than one letter on a sheet, but the jumbo letters used a whole sheet.
Next Step
After your letters are glued to your foam sheets, use your x-acto knife to trim the sheet around the letters. Make sure your blade is brand new, or you might tear the foam, but even if you do, it will help add to the rustic feel, so don’t sweat it if it happens.
Your wooden letter stamps are ready!
We used these recently to make our latest pallet wood welcome porch sign. See it >>here!<<
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Thanks y’all! God bless!
Johnny & L’Briska Robertson – My Eclectic Treasures
Stenciling makes me nervous so this is a great idea! And unlike the little stamps you won’t have the marks from the edge.
I understand about the stenciling, but just take your time and tap tap tap. 😉 I love making stamps, though!