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Shabby Chic Carrot Ribbon Tassel

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Some of you may remember the shabby chic heart tassel that I made similar to this. I thought I could use that same idea to make a carrot, and I just love how it turned out! Keep reading to see how I made this shabby chic carrot ribbon tassel! 

Supplies needed to make this cute carrot craft :

The first thing that I did was draw a carrot shape on the burlap fabric using a marker. Afterwards, I cut the carrot out. Use hot glue to secure three edges of the carrot, leaving the top opened. 

carrot shape cut out of burlap

Next, use your fiberfill to stuff your carrot. 

stuffing a burlap carrot with fiberfill

burlap carrot stuffed with fiberfill

After your carrot is stuffed, add some tacky glue to the front and add a small section of lace fabric. I just laid some across my carrot and eyeballed where I wanted it, then rough cut the lace. I applied pressure and heat from my heat gun to dry the tacky glue once I had laid the lace over the glue. Afterwards, I trimmed the edges to clean up the lace. 

adding lace to the outside of a burlap carrot

gluing lace onto a burlap carrot

Let’s add some greenery to our shabby chic carrot!

The greenery that I used was boxwood, but you can use whatever greenery you have on hand. I added some glue to the inside of the top of the carrot. Then I inserted five bunches of boxwood, added glue to the inside edges of the burlap opening, and pressed down with a finger protector on both sides to seal. 

adding glue to the top opening of a burlap carrot to add greenery

adding greenery to burlap carrots

gluing down the opening of a burlap carrot to secure the greenery

Now to create that shabby chic look..

You know those tiny rosettes that you can find in the ribbon section of your Walmart? That is what we’re going to use next. I was either going to add a bow under my greenery or florals. The tiny rosettes won the toss up. I alternated between pink and white rosettes and applied them across the top to hide that glued edge. Once my rosettes were attached, I then added flat backed pearls to the naked edge of my carrot to finish it off. You can see those on the finished carrot. 

adding rosettes to a burlap carrot

rosettes added to a burlap carrot

Onto the tassel!

Normally, I would use yarn for a tassel, but I decided to make a ribbon tassel instead. I chose muted colors in pink, green, cream, and tan. Instead of a dovetail end, I just snipped them all at an angle. The length really wasn’t a biggie for me because I wanted all the ribbon to show, so there are varying lengths. I tied it off with twine. 

ribbon for a ribbon tassel for a shabby chic carrot | #ribbontassel

ribbon for a ribbon tassel for a shabby chic carrot | #ribbontassel

ribbon for a ribbon tassel for a shabby chic carrot | #ribbontassel

Let’s add the tassel to our carrot!

How I did this was with twine and a darning needle, or a crochet needle. A crochet needle has a very large eye and a blunt tip which is perfect for projects like this. I created a larks heads knot at the end of our burlap carrot. Then I added a 25MM wood bead to that. Next, I tied the end to the strings of my tassel with a shoelace tie and wrapped the twine around that section to finish that part off. 

adding a wood bead ribbon tassel to a burlap carrot

adding a wood bead ribbon tassel to a burlap carrot

adding a wood bead ribbon tassel to a burlap carrot

adding a ribbon tassel to a burlap carrot

Last thing I added was a wire hanger. Not sure what gauge wire this is, but it is a thicker wire, yet still pliable. I cut a piece long enough for my hanger, bent both ends forward, and inserted them into each side of the top of my carrot. Using pliers, I twisted each end into a curlique. The very last thing I did was add a raffia bow to my wire hanger. My shabby chic carrot ribbon tassel is complete! 

wire spool

a section of wire cut and bent for use as a hanger for a burlap carrot

adding a wire hanger to a burlap carrot

shabby chic carrot ribbon tassel | #shabbychiccarrot

shabby chic carrot ribbon tassel | #shabbychiccarrot

shabby chic carrot ribbon tassel | #shabbychiccarrot

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shabby chic carrot ribbon tassel | #shabbychiccarrot

shabby chic carrot ribbon tassel | #shabbychiccarrot

Let me know what you think about my shabby chic carrot ribbon tassel in the comments! Also, make sure to follow us on all social media and sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! Thanks for stopping by and God bless! 

Check out the heart tassel that we made similar to this! Click to reveal!

stuffed burlap heart

Want more carrot DIYs?? I have 10 more for you >>HERE<

Yarn Tassel Carrot

Farmhouse Carrot Garland

Wood Bead Carrots

Ribbon Ruffle Carrot

Burlap & Carrots Mantel Banner

Pallet Wood Carrots

Button Carrot Canvas

my favorite carrot diys | carrot craft ideas | carrot decor | #carrotideas #springcarrots

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