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How to Make Cabbage Steaks

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Who here loves a good steak? I know I do! Usually, I take mine medium. But we’re not taking about meat steaks today. I’m showing you how to make cabbage steaks! Cabbage?! Yep! Cabbage! And they aren’t half bad, according to my hubby! Ha!

Ingredients :

  • Head of regular cabbage
  • olive oil
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion powder
  • Salt/Pepper
  • Everything bagel seasoning
  • Shredded sharp cheddar

Instructions :

Start off by cutting the bottom stem off your head of cabbage. I like using these Ginsu knives for cabbage and other tough veggies.

Then you want to cut your cabbage into thick slices.

After your slices are cut, add them to a lined cookie sheet. I used aluminum foil but typically I use parchment paper.

Then drizzle olive oil all over them and start adding your seasonings! Yum!

I added garlic and onion powder, which are my go-to seasonings. Then I added salt and cracked peppercorns. Last I added everything bagel seasoning! I love that stuff! Have you tried it?

It’s Time to Grill! Err.. Bake!

Add them to a 400 degree pre-heated oven and let them bake for about 25 minutes. If you like them completely cooked through, flip them after the 25 minutes and cook them 10 minutes longer. We like them a little crunchy though.


After the 25 minutes, we turned off the oven and sprinkled on some shredded cheese. Then we just placed the pan back into the oven just until the cheese was gooey.

Look how yum!!

They turned out so well! I had mine with some Greek yogurt and my hubby dipped his into ranch dressing. This will be a regular menu item for sure!

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I hope you enjoyed this recipe and that you will try it for your family! Let me know if you like it or if you’ve made them and how you like to make them! Make sure to join our email family to keep up with what we have going on each week!

Need Another Low Carb Dinner Idea??

Get this stuffed peppers recipe >>HERE<<!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Terry Barnhart

    I passed by the cabbage at the store, it was calling. Now wish I had grabbed one. I’ll go back and I will try this!

    1. JRandLBriska

      I always tell myself to listen to my inner voice. Lol You’ll have to let me know what you think! We really loved it!!

  2. Cathi Alexander

    I made this tonight for my dinner using avocado oil and a seriously sharp white cheddar cheese. It was so delicious!

    1. JRandLBriska

      Oh man, I bet that cheddar on it was super good!

  3. Kathy

    I have been meaning to try this ever since you 1st posted a while back. My family is so weird. I’m going to make them and if they don’t want any then more for me 😃

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