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How to Decoupage Paper Mache with Rice Paper

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Have you ever used rice paper? It is thicker than a napkin but thinner than a piece of paper, and it decoupages beautifully! I am going to show you how to decoupage paper mache with rice paper. This cardboard wine box has straight sides, which makes it a perfect piece to decoupage on.

Supplies needed for this diy:

  • Paper mache piece
  • Rice paper
  • Paint
  • Mod Podge
  • Bubble Wrap

Step one: Paint your paper mache

The print I’m using is a bee print so I went with this yellow color chalk paint from 2 Chicks & a Toolbelt called >>Bees Knees<<. Use our coupon code {ECLECTICTREASURES} for our discount when ordering.

someone holding a container of chalky chicks furniture paint by 2 Chicks & a Toolbelt in the color Bees Knees

I just used a regular brush for this and it worked great.

someone holding a partially painted wine box top next to a container of yellow paint with the paint brush sitting on top

One coat will do the trick on paper mache if you use chalk paint. If you use acrylic paint, you may need another coat.

Step two: Prep your rice paper

This rice paper from >>European Excellency<< is so gorgeous and coordinates perfectly with this yellow!

a piece of rice paper featuring a bee image laying on top of a paper cutter

You will want to cut off the white border unless of course you’re doing it on a white background, and then you might want to leave it. But for sure the bottom because it usually has writing on it.

someone using a paper cutter to trim the white border off of a piece of rice paper

I use my paper cutter, but you have to be careful with rice paper, as it will tear. What I like to do is cut backwards a little at a time. I’ll raise up my cutter and cut backwards a short way, and continue doing that as I move along the edge.

someone holding the top of a wine box at the top edge of the piece of rice paper to trace that section to prep for cutting it

Now, you want to cut your rice paper to fit around the top of the paper box. I just laid down my top and used a pencil to mark as I rolled it along that top edge of the paper. Then I cut that line just like I cut the border.

a piece of rice paper that has been cut to fit the two pieces of a round paper mache wine box

Step three: Decoupage!

I started with the top and started adding mod podge and laid the rice paper down a little at a time, starting in the center.

Someone holding a partially decoupaged wine box top

Then do the edges and finish laying the rice paper down.

Someone holding a partially decoupaged wine box top

Unfortunately this paper does not wrap completely around this box, but I have a plan for that. Next, let work on the body of the box.

I wrapped my rice paper around the whole thing to line it up first, then I started adding mod podge one section at a time.

Adding a rice paper image to a painted paper mache wine box

Just keep adding a bit of mod podge as you slowly lay this rice paper down on the box, until you get all the way around.

Adding a rice paper image to a painted paper mache wine box

Step four: Blend the back of the box

Even though the yellow coordinates well, I still didn’t like the harsh beginning and end to it, so I decided to add some bubble wrap art! This mimics honeycomb and is perfect for this piece!

using bubble wrap and paint to add a honeycomb effect on the solid color parts of a decoupaged wine box

You just cut out a round section of bubble wrap and paint it. I used a little white to tone down the yellow and so the honeycomb would show up on the back.

using bubble wrap and paint to add a honeycomb effect on the solid color parts of a decoupaged wine box

Isn’t that fun?!

Need some bee earrings to go with your queen bee wine box? We’ve got these in our shop! Click >>HERE<< or the picture below.

using bubble wrap and paint to add a honeycomb effect on the solid color parts of a decoupaged wine box

Just keep doing that until all your yellow surfaces are covered.

using bubble wrap and paint to add a honeycomb effect on the solid color parts of a decoupaged wine box

You’ll have to continue to add paint but don’t overload it.

using bubble wrap and paint to add a honeycomb effect on the solid color parts of a decoupaged wine box

Don’t forget the top!

using bubble wrap and paint to add a honeycomb effect on the solid color parts of a decoupaged wine box

using bubble wrap and paint to add a honeycomb effect on the solid color parts of a decoupaged wine box

I like that it’s not perfect. Makes for a pretty neat affect, I think.

using bubble wrap and paint to add a honeycomb effect on the solid color parts of a decoupaged wine box

Step five: Blend your lines

Last you want to blend those hard lines, so I just used that same paint that I used for the honeycomb and added paint around the edges of the rice paper.

adding paint to blend the edges of a rice paper decoupage onto a wine box to soften the sharp contrast of the paper and paint

adding paint to blend the edges of a rice paper decoupage onto a wine box to soften the sharp contrast of the paper and paint

Once that dries, add your top back and you’re finished! You can add the hanger back if you want and I might still do that but for now, I’ve left it off.

a wine box that has been decoupaged with a piece of rice paper and painted with a coordinated color with bubble wrap paint detail added

a wine box that has been decoupaged with a piece of rice paper and painted with a coordinated color with bubble wrap paint detail added

a wine box that has been decoupaged with a piece of rice paper and painted with a coordinated color with bubble wrap paint detail added

What do you think?? I hope you enjoyed this tutorial for how to decoupage paper mache with rice paper! Let me know what you think in the comments below! Make sure to join our email family to keep up with us each week!

More Decoupage DIYs:

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Virginia

    I looove this!!! The rice paper is beautiful! I love how you did the lid to match the bottom. The honeycomb is a pretty addition. These would make great gifts. You could put the recipients favorite candy, notepad and matching pen, or decorative paper with sayings like I love you or be awesome or something and every day they could take 1 out.

    1. JRandLBriska

      That is such a great idea about the gift!! You always have such great ideas my friend! Thank you!

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