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How to Create an Adorable Carrot Using Tassels

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Spring decorating isn’t just about bunnies and florals anymore! This year the carrot has kind of taken center stage! Let me show you how to create an adorable carrot using orange yarn tassels! I started this project off by making a reverse canvas. 

Supplies needed for this craft :

Let’s build our frame!

removing the canvas from the frame for a reverse canvas craft

The first thing you do is remove the canvas from the frame. I used an xacto knife for this process. 

removing a canvas from the frame

After you remove the canvas from the frame, lay the frame back down onto the canvas and trim around it with the xacto knife or a rotary blade. 

trimming the canvas after removing it from the frame

Next, add some antique wax to your frame. I use a baby wipe for this process. That is a tip that I learned from the friends on my Facebook page. I love our community there. 

adding wax to the reverse canvas frame

Once your frame is covered in the wax, use hot glue to add your canvas to the back of the frame. 

gluing the canvas back onto a frame

Now, this next step, I did out of order, because sometimes I get ahead of myself. Lol I added black gingham fabric to my canvas. This should have been added before I glued the canvas back onto the frame, but it worked out pretty good even though. I used mod podge to do this. A silicon spatula came in real handy for this step. 

adding gingham fabric to the canvas

Now, let’s create our carrot!

I decided to lay my carrot at an angle for this piece, starting with my greenery. Boxwood is a greenery favorite, so naturally I used several bundles of that. I secured them all together with twine, then glued them down at the stem. 

adding greenery for a carrot onto a black gingham framed canvas

Next, let’s add our tassels!

If you need to know how to make tassels, please check out my easy tassel tutorial >>HERE<<. I made six tassels in graduated sizes. Three small tassels, two medium tassels, and one large tassel. I made my tassels with only ten loops, because I wanted them to be slim. The three small tassels I added first, right below my greenery, covering up the stem part. 

adding orange tassels to a canvas to make a carrot craft

Next, I layered the medium tassels, covering up the knobs of the small tassels. You may notice that these tassels are upside down. That is part of what makes this craft so fun! Typically, you see tassels hanging the other way. I don’t like to follow the rules ALL the time. 😉 I used hot glue to attach my tassels to my fabric covered canvas. 

adding orange tassels to a gingham background to make a carrot

Last, I added my largest tassel, covering up the knobs of the medium tassels. One of the reasons why I made the tassels in different sizes, is so they won’t fall forward when you display this adorable carrot. 

adding the last largest tassel to a carrot craft

My finishing touches were spanish moss and a burlap awareness bow! To learn how to make this bow, check out my easy bow tutorial >>HERE<<!

carrot made with orange tassels on a gingham background

How stinking adorable is this y’all?!

carrot made with orange yarn tassels

Need more carrot ideas?? Click >>HERE<< or the image below!

10 carrot crafts

Want to save this project? Pin it to your Pinterest boards!

tassel carrot craft

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! If you did, please tell us in the comments! Also, share your projects with us in our community crafting group on Facebook >>HERE<<! While you’re there, make sure you’re following our page and all of our social medias! Also, please consider signing up for our free weekly emails so you don’t miss out on a thing! 

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