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Felt Heart Garland Valentine’s Craft

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Garlands of every kind have become a popular beacon in modern decor, so I thought it was only natural to make some Valentine’s garland, felt heart garland to be more specific.  

Supplies you need to make your own felt heart garland

  • Felt sheets in pink, white, and red – I got mine from Walmart for $0.28 each
  • Heart template (see below)
  • twine
  • crochet thread in the same colors
  • large crochet needle – one with a sharp point but with a larger eye
  • polyfil or other stuffing material
  • hot glue gun and glue
  • scissors
  • sewing pins

Step One

Print out the following template and cut out at least one of the hearts. As your paper wears out from pin pricks, you can use additional paper hearts. You can print on card stock to make them more durable and then use the other hearts for other projects. 

hearts template for felt heart garland

Step Two

Pin the heart onto a folded piece of felt or layer two sheets. This ensures that both sides of each heart are the same. Cut them out. 

cut paper heart on top of felt sheets to cut out heart garland

cutting hearts out of felt to make heart garland using the template

hearts cut out of felt

Step Three

Next you will sew your hearts together, but not completely around. You want to leave a section open to add stuffing. After you add the stuffing, finish stitching the heart together. Here is our YouTube video showing you the stitch we use. 

Here’s a picture progression just in case you can’t access the video.

stitching the felt hearts together for heart felt garland

stitching the felt hearts together for heart garland

stitching the felt hearts together for heart garland

stitching the felt hearts together for my garland

For the stuffing, I actually used the discarded cut pieces from the felt hearts. Great way to use everything and have very little trash!

pink felt hearts for garland

red felt hearts for garland

Step Four

Grab some twine and evenly glue your felt hearts to it. When adding your twine with the hot glue, use your scissors to hold the twine down. Number one, you avoid getting burned, and number two, it helps the hot glue dry quicker. 

adding twine to felt hearts

adding twine to your felt hearts

adding twine to your felt hearts

felt heart garland

Your felt heart garland is ready to be hung from your mantle or strung around your Valentine’s tree!

Felt heart garland wrapped around a grapevine tree

Let us know what you think about our felt heart garland Valentine’s craft in the comments below! If you love this craft, make sure to sign up for our free DIY and crafting newsletter sent directly to your inbox. We don’t like spam, so we promise not to send any. Also, check us out on Facebook and Instagram! Thank you for visiting our blog! 

Johnny & L’Briska Robertson

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felt heart garland wrapped around a grapevine tree

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Dolly

    Really cute project. I love this.

    I love this idea … It looks especially cut on the tree…………. However, I can’t find the link for the template. Have I missed it? Can you help me L’Briska? Thanks…. Dolly


    1. JRandLBriska

      It is the first photo. You just save the image to your device and print it from there. ☺️

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