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Farmhouse Easter Bunnies – The No-Sew Version!

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Easter is right around the corner, y’all! If you are into the farmhouse trend that is wildly popular right now, this is the perfect farmhouse Easter bunny DIY! These farmhouse Easter bunnies are simple to make and I show you how you can incorporate some recycling into this project! This is also one of our no sew projects for those who prefer not to use a machine or who don’t sew!

The supplies you will need to make your no sew farmhouse Easter bunnies :

  • Fabric of your choice. I used farmhouse inspired colors and patterns; burlap, white, and buffalo plaid. 
  • Bunny printable template
  • Scissors, pins, and rotary cutter
  • Stuffing or used plastic grocery bags
  • Glue gun and hot glue
  • Ribbon of choice. I used a black buffalo plaid, a burlap, and a pink buffalo plaid for mine.

Let’s make some farmhouse Easter bunnies, no-sew style!

Step one: Cut out your template

Start off by printing and cutting out this bunny template. I found this template on Pinterest, but could never find the original author, otherwise, I would have linked to their page. 

bunny printable template

Cut out your bunny template. I recommend using cardstock, so you can use it multiple times. If you can laminate it, that’s even better!

bunny template placed on top of fabric

Step two: Pin your bunny template to your fabric

Pin it to a double layer of fabric.

pinned bunny template to white fabric

What are some other great fabric choices for farmhouse Easter bunnies?

  • Buffalo plaid or gingham
  • Burlap
  • Drop cloth
  • White cotton

Step three: Cut your bunny out of your fabric

Use a rotary cutter to trim the fabric around the template. Use scissors for those hard to reach places.

trimming fabric around bunny template

Step four: Pin your two cut layers together

Once your fabric pieces are cut, pin the two pieces together just to prevent it from coming apart while you glue/sew them together.

funny shaped fabric ready to be attached together

Step five: Start attaching the two layers of your no sew bunny together

The way that I attached them together is with hot glue. You can sew the two pieces together if you wish. Gluing was easier and I believe is just as secure. Start off by gluing the ear pieces together.

Gluing together fabric bunny ears

Step six: Start stuffing your farmhouse Easter bunny

Once they are attached, you will then stuff them. You can use pillow stuffing. Sometimes, I like to use cut up recycled plastic grocery bags. First, I smooth the bag out flat. Then, I fold it up long ways and cut strips out of it.

What can I stuff my fabric bunnies with:

  • Fiberfill
  • Newspaper
  • Plastic grocery bags

plastic grocery bags cut into strips to use for stuffing fabric easter bunnies

Watch how I stuff this farmhouse Easter bunny on this video!

For the ears, I did have to use a skewer to help push the stuffing into them.

stuffing plastic grocery bags into fabric easter bunnies

Check out the adorable farmhouse Easter bunny ear!

bunny ears glued together

I continued to glue and stuff until it was complete. 

gluing fabric bunny pieces together

After you glue and stuff the ears, start to glue the body of the bunny.

attached two fabric bunny pieces together with hot glue

Step seven: Last step is to glue the bottom closed after stuffing your farmhouse Easter bunny completely

stuffed fabric bunny

Next, I added a bow to the bunny’s neck. You can see the different fabric/ribbon combinations that I used in the main picture. I just tied on the buffalo plaid ribbons. I made a bow using the awareness ribbon method, tying it with twine. Then, I tied the twine around the neck. 

Want to watch the process?? Click >>HERE<< or the picture below for the no sew bunny tutorial!

Stuffed farmhouse easter bunny tutorial, no sew bunny diy video

White stuffed no sew bunny with a pink gingham bow laying on top of brown shredded paper

That was it! The farmhouse Easter bunnies are done!

Ideas for using your bunnies in your spring decor:

  • Add them to an Easter basket for your loved ones.
  • Place one or two on your Spring mantel; maybe on either end as anchor pieces.
  • You could add them to a Spring wreath; making the bunny out of bright colors instead.
  • Make a larger bunny like the one >>HERE<< and make it into a Easter door hanger.

stuffed easter bunnies with carrots

Want to Make Those Carrots to go with your farmhouse Easter bunnies?? Click >>HERE<

Let us know what you think of our farmhouse Easter bunnies in the comments below! Also, make sure to sign up for our free weekly DIY and crafting newsletter!

Thanks for visiting our blog! 

Johnny & L’Briska Robertson

Love this no sew bunny Diy? Pin it for later!

farmhouse fabric bunnies burlap, white and buffalo plaid gingham easter basket

More Bunny Crafts:

This Post Has 21 Comments

    1. JRandLBriska

      Thank you so much!

  1. Jeana Tedder

    Hi. I love the bunny. How can I download it to my computer. Please advise.

    Thank you.🐰

    1. JRandLBriska

      You should be able to right click and it will give you an option to save it. Thank you so much!

  2. Josie Arthur

    I love all of this I do not do computers but I love doing crafts how can I get a template of this without being able to print is there anywhere I can subscribe to get one mailed to me . The pattern?

    1. JRandLBriska

      You could take your device with the template on it to a shipping store or a Kinko’s type store and have them print it for you. ☺️

  3. Megan

    Hi, I’m not able to print it properly when I save it, so I’m curious how tall and how wide is the bunny? That way I can print small and keep enlarging it until the proper size. Thanks 😀

    1. JRandLBriska

      The bunny is over 10 inches tall from the feet all the way to the tip of the tallest ear and it is over 5 inches wide.

  4. Dianne Clausmann

    Love this pattern. Will use it to make lavender sachets.

    1. JRandLBriska

      What a wonderful idea!

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