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DIY Skinny Farmhouse Tree

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Are you someone who loves to decorate for Christmas, but has a budget to stick by? If you could see through the screen, you’d see my hand raised. I looooove Christmas, but my level of Christmas crazy could quite possibly put me in the poorhouse if I didn’t try to pinch a penny or two. Here is one such project! You can make this DIY Skinny Farmhouse Tree for less than $10! (Crate purchased separately) Honestly, if you already have some of the materials on hand, you could do this for around $5! Make sure to check out our other Christmas Diys while you’re here!

Project Supplies Needed:

three of the Dollar Tree Christmas trees laying on a carpeted floor

In year’s past, I have never purchased the tiny Christmas trees from Dollar Tree. I didn’t really see the point. But I was missing out! All it takes is a little creativity and thinking outside the box to see how much potential those tiny trees have! I recently watched a YouTube tutorial on how to make a similar tree. Here is my spin on it. If you don’t know which trees I am referring to, see them below. I bought three of them for each skinny tree that I planned to make. 

Christmas garland from the Dollar Tree

Now, by themselves, they are pretty sparse still. I was inspired by another crafter who used the pack of garland ties that you can also get at DT to fill in these trees. Well, DT also sells garland that is 15 feet long, so you get more bang for your buck with that, plus you can cut shorter pieces as you move up the tree. This is the garland I am referring to.  

1. Remove the stands from two of the trees

Start off by removing the stand piece off of two of the trees using wire cutters. They are very easy to remove. If you end up flattening the opening, pry it back open using the wire cutters. The metal is pretty soft so this shouldn’t be difficult. 

Farmhouse Tree 17

2. Add the trees to the wooden dowel

Take your intact tree and insert it into it’s tree stand that is included with it. There is a hole in the top of each tree, so you need to insert your wooden dowel into the first tree. 

Farmhouse Tree 15

Add the other two trees, using a bit of hot glue each time to hold it in place on the dowel. 

Farmhouse Tree 14

Farmhouse Tree 13

This is what you have before you start to fill in the tree. 

Farmhouse Tree 12

3. Fill in your empty spaces

Start adding cut pieces of your garland in the visible spaces that you see. Cut longer pieces for the bottom and shorter pieces as you move up the tree. One pack of garland should work for the entire tree. You could certainly use more, though. This is how it looks after filling it in. 

Farmhouse Tree 10

4. Flock your tree

Now, if you prefer a green tree, skip this step. 

I used white spray paint, but you could use the spray snow, or even some acrylic paint and just lightly brush the paint onto the branches. I sprayed lightly to achieve the flocked look. You don’t want to completely coat the tree.

Farmhouse Tree 09

I love how it turned out. 

Farmhouse Tree 08

5. Add lights to your tree

You can leave it the way it is and just add a strand of lights and these would look gorgeous flanking your front door or a sofa table, but I added a little bit extra to give it that farmhouse feel.


6. Add additional embellishments

The video I watched added berries, but I wanted to add something a bit different, so I used white sprigs that I got from the DT.


I also used the flocked pine cone ornaments that you can get at DG.


They come with twine hangers, but I pulled those off and just glued the pine cones directly onto the tree. 

Farmhouse Tree 04

The sprigs were also glued into the tree in various spots.

Farmhouse Tree 03

7. Add your tree to a crate or other tree box

After adding the lights, pine cones, and sprigs, I placed the tree down into a wooden crate that I purchased at Walmart. You can use an old tin, or a rustic basket from the thrift store. After adding it to the crate, I added fake snow or “stuffing” around the bottom. You can add more white or burlap ornaments and I might later, but for now, I’m happy with my new skinny farmhouse tree. What do you think?

Farmhouse Tree 02

Now, I have to give credit where credit is due. If you’d like to see the video that inspired me to make this tree, check out Bargain Bethany on YouTube. 

I had so much fun making this tree and I plan to make many more in all kinds of themes for all of the empty corners in my home. My Christmas crazy runs deep and at this price point, I won’t go broke! Lol 

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Need more Christmas tree diys:

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Judy Milam

    I love all of your crafts. You do a wonderful job and have wonderful ideas. Lee up the good work.
    You are awesome at what you do.

    1. JRandLBriska

      You are the sweetest! Thank you Ms Judy!

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