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A Wooden Beehive Doorhanger : Painting and Decorating Your Own!

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Are you decorating with bees this season? Here is an idea for your doors or mantels! A wooden beehive doorhanger! Or it could also be a mantel or shelf sitter! We offer these wooden beehive cutouts in our Etsy shop >>HERE<< if you’re interested! Keep scrolling to see how I painted them! 

wooden bee hive cutout

Step one: Paint your surface completely

The first thing I did was paint the whole thing using a gold acrylic and a yellow chalk paint mixed together. 

painting a wooden beehive cutout

Step two: Outline and create your lines

Next, I used a brown paint and added the hive lines with a q-tip! Makes a perfect painting tool! 

painting a wooden beehive cutout

If you want to clean up your lines a little bit, use your yellow paint with a small brush for this. Basically, you just outline your brown lines with the yellow paint to smooth any rough parts because the q-tip will not leave a very clean line. You might be ok with that though. You can see the difference in the pictures above and below. 

painting a wooden beehive cutout

Step three: Add your bee hole

For the bee hole, I used black paint and the lid from the paint to make my circle. It was the perfect size. You can freehand this though. 

painting a wooden beehive cutout

After drawing out the bee hole, I used the black paint with a small brush to fill it in. Easy peasy! 

painting a wooden beehive cutout

Once your bee hole is painted, use the brown paint to outline it. 

painting a wooden beehive cutout

Step four: Add your embellishments to your wooden beehive doorhanger

Now for the really fun part! Embellishments! I drilled holes in the top of the beehive and added a wire hanger. To add the twirls, I wrapped the wire around a dowel. The words are a vinyl decal that we also offer in our shop >>HERE<< or you can just add it to your wooden beehive blank order. 

welcome to our hive wooden beehive cutout doorhanger

Add some bees, a bow, and some flowers and you’re done! Don’t these look so fun?! I had fun painting them and I hope you will, too! Watch me painting one live on Facebook >>HERE<<

welcome to our hive wooden beehive cutout doorhanger

I hope you enjoyed this painting tutorial for this wooden beehive doorhanger! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! We offer several different wood and vinyl items in our Etsy shop! Follow us on all our social media accounts! 

Watch a sped up painting tutorial here instead if you’re pressed for time! 🙂 

More Bee DIYs:

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